
  • April 30 – Leave NYC
  • May 1 – Arrive Istanbul v tired
  • June 1 – Moskova
  • June 4 – St Petersberg (to meet Dennis/Joan OR Dad/Mom OR FIL/MIL)
  • June 8 – Lithuania
  • June 12 – Prague
  • June 18 – Berlin
  • June 21 – Marrakesch- Music Festival
  • July 18 – Gibraltar and Sth Spain
  • July 21 – Spain
  • August 16 – London
  • August 18 – Thailand
  • August 21 – Burma/Myanmar and China
  • October 11- Sydney/Melbourne
  • October 13 – TAL B’DAY
  • November 5 -NYC
  • Nov-12 India
  • ? 2008 – Sydney Australia – Home

9 responses

30 04 2007

I miss you guys already and you’re just upstairs sleeping. I’m considering joining the T&T express in Marrakesch, Spain (Ibiza?), India or another place not yet known to be on itinerary. See yous guys on the other side!!

11 05 2007

Damn it… I thought I was over the travel bug, and now I look at your itinery and I want it to be mine. Might just have to come and meet you in India. Fancy that?

22 05 2007

Itinerary far too long, complicated,diverse,exciting – June 2008 home!!!!!!!!!!! Mein grosser got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 05 2007

Miss you – I check out your website frequently – where are the updates? Did you meet with Alper?

Much Love!

8 06 2007
Alyson and Matt

Thanks for stopping by and visiting us in St. Pete! We enjoyed meeting up with our new Russky friends. Na z’darovye!

9 06 2007

regrets 4 not meeting u before, but happiness!!
waiting for your news=)

love, Çiğdem

5 07 2007
elise b

Hey guys, nits was raving about your thought Id have a perve…Im with nits thought I was over moving but shit you are really stirring up that travel bu within again…doh! Inspiring writing and photos to match, no surprise from an inspring couple like yourselves…also had fortune to perve on your wedding photos…what fairy tale did you guys come from….relish every minute like a rick chocolate truffle..:)xoxox see you in melbs one day

5 07 2007
elise b

Hey guys, nits was raving about your thought Id have a perve…Im with nits thought I was over moving but shit you are really stirring up that travel bu within again…doh! Inspiring writing and photos to match, no surprise from an inspring couple like yourselves…also had fortune to perve on your wedding photos…what fairy tale did you guys come from….relish every minute like a rick chocolate truffle..:)xoxox see you in melbs one day – did that work? hope so

5 07 2007

Hello gorgeous ones

Ooooooooooooh how nice to think you are out in the world
I miss you lots but hey… that’s cool – you will be back here in no time and I will be in India for a wedding early ’08…

Talk again soon


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